miss mchs 2025 court

Video Slideshow of the Pageant

Miss Mid-Carolina High School 2025

We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who came out to support these incredible young ladies as they competed for the title of Miss Mid-Carolina High School 2025! Your encouragement and enthusiasm made this a truly special night. 

A huge shoutout to our Beta Club students and sponsors for their hard work in organizing such a memorable event. Their dedication and attention to detail made the evening a spectacular success! We also want to recognize our student entertainers, who did an outstanding job showcasing their talents and adding even more excitement to the night. 

🌟 Congratulations to all of our contestants! 🌟
Freshmen: Bethany Banach, Makenzy Shealy
Sophomores: Makayla Bryant, Christy Milstead, Jenna Senn
Juniors: Emily Bates, Kursten Long, Rielly Winder
Seniors: Anna Fore, Ashlyn Marchant

🏆 Awards & Recognitions 🏆
Miss Congeniality – Emily Bates
📸 Miss Photogenic – Makenzy Shealy
🎭 Best Theme Wear – Emily Bates
👗 Best Evening Wear – Kursten Long
🗣️ Best Interview – Kursten Long
💖 People’s Choice – Jenna Senn

👑 Class Winners & Runners-Up 👑
👑 Miss Freshman – Bethany Banach
🥈 1st Runner-Up – Makenzy Shealy

👑 Miss Sophomore – Makayla Bryant
🥈 1st Runner-Up – Jenna Senn

👑 Miss Junior – Emily Bates
🥈 1st Runner-Up – Rielly Winder

👑 Miss Senior – Ashlyn Marchant
🥈 1st Runner-Up – Anna Fore

🌟 Miss Mid-Carolina High School 2025 🌟
👑 Kursten Long
🥈 1st Runner-Up – Ashlyn Marchant

Congratulations again to all of our contestants for their hard work, grace, and dedication. You all shined on stage, and we couldn’t be prouder! 💫 

#MissMidCarolina2025 #Congratulations #MCSpirit #BetaClub #ProudMoment